Apr 4, 2015

EXPLORE | Takahachi bakery

T a k a h a c h i   B a k e r y

25 Murray Street, New York, NY 10007


A really nice bakery where you can sit and relax. In the back you can sit down and see the workers making the food through a window, which was pretty interesting to see inside a bakery. The staff were nice and friendly. The dessert was pretty good and some were just straight up unique. Pricing was pretty cheap and reasonable.

They have complimentary water for anyone to take from :)




What we ordered was matcha crepe, black sesame seed and chocolate macaron, and matcha Stones

Matcha Stones

This was a big sad surprise. I thought it was something that was going to melt in your mouth with matcha goodness....yeah not at all. It was so bitter and the sweetness kicked in at the very end but wasn't even worth it. There was a cracker that you could taste a little but over all this was a pure matcha stone that was not much of a dessert/snack. 

Pricing $5.75

Matcha Crepe
Layers of crepes to create a cake like dessert. The inside has a sweet creamy filling, with red beans, and matcha powder all over. I personally thought it taste really delicious and worth trying but I didn't really like the red bean inside but since they are so small it didn't make of a difference.

This is their best seller and cost $5.25

Sesame Seed and Chocolate Macaron

The sesame seed macaron was really good that had a nutty flavor to it that you really have to taste for your self. The chocolate was ehhh.. average, taste like every other macaron. The cookies itself was chewy but you could tell it was outside for a bit but was still yummy. I recommend trying out the sesame seed macaron. 

Pricing was $2.25 per macaron.

L O L 

CHECK THEM OUT And the Matcha Crepe! 

Check out their website: http://www.takahachi.net

Tel : (212)  791-5550
Hours: Mon-Fri: 7AM - 7PM
           Sat: 9AM - 7PM
           Sun: 9AM - 6PM